Digital Economy Programs

E-commerce: A Collaborative Approach for a Strong Digital Economy

In today’s rapidly changing landscape, technology and shifting consumer habits are reshaping the global economy. E-commerce has taken center stage as a powerful driver of this transformation. Introducing our course, “E-commerce Strategies for a Digital Economy,” designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the e-commerce landscape and arm you with practical strategies to succeed in this dynamic realm.

This program, conducted under the auspices of the SCP Training Award, aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the critical elements that constitute a thriving e-commerce ecosystem within a digital economy. Drawing from Singapore’s expertise and experience, the program delves into the policies and technological infrastructure underpinning successful e-commerce implementation. Participants will gain insights into developing and maintaining e-commerce technology, crafting secure payment systems, and formulating effective business and marketing strategies. Ultimately, this program equips professionals with the knowledge and tools necessary to foster a collaborative approach to e-commerce, contributing to the growth of a robust digital economy.

  1. Introduction to E-commerce and Changing Consumer Behavior
  2. E-commerce Trends and the Pandemic’s Influence
  3. E-commerce Landscape in Singapore and Government Initiatives
  4. Disruption, Innovation, and Post-Pandemic Consumer Behavior
  5. Smart Nation, Digital Economy, and Consumer-Centric Innovation
  6. E-commerce Platforms, Channels, and the E-commerce Ecosystem
  7. E-payments and Payment Solutions
  8. Supply Chains, Logistics Challenges, and Cross-Border Shipping
  9. Managing Online Sales Campaigns and Digital Payment Integration
  10. Legal and Regulatory Considerations in E-commerce

Our approach blends live interactive sessions with self-paced learning materials for flexibility. Live sessions include lectures, case studies, discussions, and presentations, fostering peer learning. Asynchronous resources supplement sessions, and quizzes enhance practical application. Through this approach, we ensure a comprehensive, engaging, and practical learning experience.

  • Mid- to senior-level Government Officials 
  • Organizations seeking to enhance their workforce skillsets and knowledge.
  • Policymakers responsible for shaping e-commerce regulations and strategies.
  • Professionals in the field of digital economy development.
  • Entrepreneurs and business leaders looking to expand their e-commerce ventures.

Digital Economy: Big Data and Analytics

The “Digital Economy: Big Data and Analytics” Program  is designed to empower mid-to-senior level government officials with the knowledge and skills necessary to harness the potential of Big Data and analytics in policymaking and economic surveillance. In an increasingly data-driven world, understanding Big Data concepts and process mining applications is crucial for effective decision-making and staying ahead of emerging trends.

This program aims to equip mid-to-senior level government officials with a comprehensive understanding of Big Data concepts, analytics, and their real-world applications. Participants will delve into data and process mining techniques, explore various data analytical methods, and discover how Big Data can enhance economic surveillance and policymaking. By the end of the course, attendees will be well-prepared to utilize Big Data effectively, improve decision-making processes, and stay ahead of emerging trends in the digital economy.

  1. Description of Big Data concepts, tools, and real-world applications.
  2. Data and process mining concepts and techniques.
  3. Data analytical methods, including descriptive analytics, diagnostic analytics, predictive analytics, and prescriptive analytics.
  4. Economic surveillance through the use of Big Data.
  5. Exploring future market trends in Big Data analytics.
  6. Singapore’s experience in effectively utilizing Big Data for enhanced policymaking and economic development.
  7. Ethical Considerations in Big Data.
  8. Data Governance and Security.
  9. Case Studies in Big Data Success Stories.
  10. Practical Workshops.
  11. Policy Formulation and Implementation.

Our approach blends live interactive sessions with self-paced learning materials for flexibility. Live sessions include lectures, case studies, discussions, and presentations, fostering peer learning. Asynchronous resources supplement sessions, and quizzes enhance practical application. Through this approach, we ensure a comprehensive, engaging, and practical learning experience.

  • Mid- to senior-level Government Officials 
  • Organizations seeking to enhance their workforce skillsets and knowledge.
  • Professional seeking to enhance their understanding of Big Data and its applications in policymaking and economic surveillance
  • Anyone overseeing planning and coordination across government sectors

Developing Digital Economy Readiness

Embark on a transformative journey into the digital landscape with our Program  on “Developing Digital Economy Readiness,” held under the auspices of the Singapore Cooperation Programme Training Award. This Program   offers a comprehensive exploration of Singapore’s Digital Economy framework, from strategic planning to actionable implementation, all underpinned by the power of Big Data and Analytics. Participants will gain invaluable insights into designing, innovating, and delivering initiatives that provide digitally enabled citizen services, foster business growth, and elevate the overall quality of citizens’ lives.

This program  , conducted under the auspices of the Singapore Cooperation Programme Training Award, aims to equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of Singapore’s Digital Economy framework and its integration with Big Data and Analytics. By exploring the regulatory and promotional aspects of the digital economy, participants will gain the knowledge and tools to design and implement digitally enhanced citizen services, support business growth, and enhance overall quality of life. This Program  also delves into international dimensions of digital economy development and presents insights into future trends and emerging technologies, empowering participants to navigate the evolving digital landscape effectively.

  1. Singapore’s Digital Economy Framework
  2. International Collaboration
  3. Future Trends and Technologies
  4. Digital Transformation Strategies
  5. Cybersecurity in the Digital Economy
  6. Digital Skills and Workforce Development
  7. E-Government Services
  8. Digital Inclusion and Accessibility
  9. Digital Ethics and Privacy
  10. Digital Innovation and Startups
  11. Digital Infrastructure and Connectivity
  12. International Trade and Digital Economy
  13. Measuring Digital Economy Readiness

Our approach blends live interactive sessions with self-paced learning materials for flexibility. Live sessions include lectures, case studies, discussions, and presentations, fostering peer learning. Asynchronous resources supplement sessions, and quizzes enhance practical application. Through this approach, we ensure a comprehensive, engaging, and practical learning experience.

  • Mid- to senior-level Government Officials 
  • Organizations seeking to enhance their workforce skillsets and knowledge.
  • Professionals from various sectors seeking to enhance their understanding of digital economy readiness.
  • Anyone passionate about leveraging digitalization to drive economic growth and innovation in their respective domains.

Workshop on Digital Economy

Welcome to the “Workshop on Digital Economy,” conducted under the auspices of the Singapore-United States Third Country Training Program  me. In this comprehensive workshop, we aim to equip Southeast Asian government officials with the essential knowledge and skills needed to navigate the dynamic landscape of the digital economy, both regionally and globally. The digital economy has become a driving force behind economic development and regional integration, and this workshop is designed to empower participants with insights, strategies, and best practices that will enable them to harness the potential of the digital age.

This course, conducted under the Singapore-United States Third Country Training Program  me, aims to enhance the understanding of Southeast Asian government officials regarding the regulatory landscape of the digital economy on both regional and global fronts. By delving into global trends, international standards, regulatory coordination, and the empowerment of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), this Program   equips participants with the knowledge and tools to leverage the digital economy for economic development and regional integration. Through comprehensive insights into data protection, Artificial Intelligence governance, and more, attendees will be well-prepared to navigate the complexities of the digital era, fostering sustainable growth and innovation in their respective regions.

  1. Global trends and challenges of the digital economy
  2. Key international standards and best practices
  3. Coordination on digital economy regulatory issues
  4. Nurturing a vibrant digital economy and digital transformation for SMEs
  5. Digital Governance Models
  6. Cybersecurity in the Digital Economy
  7. Digital Inclusion and Accessibility
  8. Digital Skills and Workforce Development
  9. International Trade in the Digital Age
  10. Digital Ethics and Privacy
  11. Digital Transformation Case Studies
  12. Policy Implementation Challenges
  13. Digital Economy and Sustainable Development
  14. Digital Innovation and Startups

Our approach blends live interactive sessions with self-paced learning materials for flexibility. Live sessions include lectures, case studies, discussions, and presentations, fostering peer learning. Asynchronous resources supplement sessions, and quizzes enhance practical application. Through this approach, we ensure a comprehensive, engaging, and practical learning experience.

  • Mid- to senior-level Government Officials 
  • Organizations seeking to enhance their workforce skillsets and knowledge.
  • Professionals responsible for digital economy policies and regulations.
  • Anyone responsible for intellectual property rights management.

Technopreneurship: Enabling Innovation and Start-Up Eco-System

In a rapidly evolving landscape driven by technology and innovation, the realm of technopreneurship has emerged as a transformative force that shapes economies and industries. “Mastering Technopreneurship” is a comprehensive exploration of how innovation and start-ups drive economic growth and transform business landscapes. This program equips participants with actionable strategies, insights, and practical tools to navigate the intricacies of technopreneurship and thrive in the dynamic world of start-ups.

Throughout this program, our primary goal is to provide you with a deep and practical understanding of technopreneurship’s dynamics and its impact on innovation and start-ups. 


By the end of the program, you’ll be able to comprehend the essential role start-ups play in shaping economies and industries, while also learning how to cultivate a culture of innovation within organizations. You’ll acquire the skills needed to create a feasible start-up roadmap, navigate regulatory complexities in the fintech sector, and leverage collaboration between start-ups and established entities for sustained growth.

  1. Introduction to Technopreneurship and the Start-Up Ecosystem
  2. Nurturing a Start-Up Culture: Singapore’s Approach
  3. Enterprise Innovation
  4. Encouraging a Start-Up Mindset
  5. Creating a Successful Start-Up Roadmap
  6. Regulatory Landscape and Compliance in Fintech
  7. Enterprise Collaboration for Innovation
  8. Sustaining Innovation and Competitiveness
  9. Adapting Workforce Needs in a Start-Up Ecosystem
  10. Real-world Case Studies in Technopreneurship
  11. Funding Strategies and Exit Plans

Our approach blends live interactive sessions with self-paced learning materials for flexibility. Live sessions include lectures, case studies, discussions, and presentations, fostering peer learning. Asynchronous resources supplement sessions, and quizzes enhance practical application. Through this approach, we ensure a comprehensive, engaging, and practical learning experience.

  • Mid- to senior-level Government Officials 
  • Organizations seeking to enhance their workforce skillsets and knowledge
  • Entrepreneurs and aspiring technopreneurs 
  • Business leaders aiming for innovation in organizations
  • Professionals in the fintech sector

Integrated Cybersecurity Management and Systems

Delve into “Integrated Cybersecurity Management and Systems,” tailored for professionals those involved in cybersecurity policy planning and enforcement. As the digital landscape evolves with the Internet of Things, this program explores both the opportunities and vulnerabilities it brings. Leveraging Singapore’s cybersecurity expertise, participants gain essential skills to navigate this complex field. Join us to secure our connected world and fortify your expertise in cybersecurity management.

This comprehensive program  on “Integrated Cybersecurity Management and Systems” is designed to equip mid- to senior-level government officials with essential knowledge and skills. Participants will grasp Singapore’s Smart Nation Vision and the crucial role of public institutions in securing smart cities. They’ll learn to identify and assess contemporary cybersecurity threats, harness data and intelligence for proactive defense, and establish robust cybersecurity strategies. Additionally, participants will develop governance frameworks and risk management strategies to fortify cybersecurity postures. Upon completion, they’ll be well-prepared to navigate the complex realm of cybersecurity and safeguard connected systems effectively.

  1. Singapore: A Smart Nation Vision
  2. Role of Public Institutions in Smart City Security
  3. Cybersecurity Concerns: Threats and Attacks
  4. Data and Intelligence in Cybersecurity
  5. Robust Cybersecurity Defense
  6. Governance and Risk Management
  7. Advanced Threat Detection and Analysis
  8. Incident Response and Cybersecurity Drills
  9. Securing IoT and Critical Infrastructure
  10. Cybersecurity Compliance and Regulations
  11. Emerging Technologies in Cybersecurity
  12. Crisis Communication in Cybersecurity
  13. Cybersecurity for Remote Workforces
  14. Cybersecurity Ethics and Privacy
  15. International Collaboration in Cybersecurity

Our approach blends live interactive sessions with self-paced learning materials for flexibility. Live sessions include lectures, case studies, discussions, and presentations, fostering peer learning. Asynchronous resources supplement sessions, and quizzes enhance practical application. Through this approach, we ensure a comprehensive, engaging, and practical learning experience.

  • Mid- to senior-level Government Officials 
  • Organizations seeking to enhance their workforce skillsets and knowledge.
  • Professionals responsible for safeguarding digital assets and critical infrastructure in government agencies.
  • Anyone seeking to enhance their expertise in integrated cybersecurity management and systems within a government context

Women and Leadership Programme

Welcome to the “Women and Leadership program  me,” an exclusive initiative designed for women leaders who have been invited to join this transformative journey. This program  me acknowledges the unique perspectives and potential women bring to leadership roles and aims to equip participants with critical skills to navigate workplace challenges effectively. Through a blend of insightful discussions and practical tools, this program  me empowers women leaders to overcome hurdles, realize their true potential, and advance their careers while fostering an inclusive environment.

Throughout the “Women and Leadership program  me,” our primary objectives are to equip women leaders with the essential skills and insights needed to excel in their careers. Participants will develop a profound understanding of the unique challenges they face in career advancement and learn strategies to overcome these obstacles. By the end of the program  , women leaders will possess the confidence, strategic leadership tools, and a renewed perspective to navigate workplace challenges effectively. This program  aims to empower women leaders to realize their full potential and drive positive change within their organizations, fostering a more inclusive and equitable leadership landscape.

  1. The Landscape of Women in Leadership
  2. Challenges and Opportunities
  3. Self-Discovery and Empowerment
  4. Strategic Leadership Skills
  5. Inclusive Leadership
  6. Resilience and Stress Management
  7. Mentorship and Networking
  8. Emotional Intelligence
  9. Mentorship and Networking
  10. Leadership in a Challenging Environment
  11. Leadership Impact and Legacy

Our approach blends live interactive sessions with self-paced learning materials for flexibility. Live sessions include lectures, case studies, discussions, and presentations, fostering peer learning. Asynchronous resources supplement sessions, and quizzes enhance practical application. Through this approach, we ensure a comprehensive, engaging, and practical learning experience.

  • Women leaders at all career stages, from mid-level to senior positions
  • Individuals committed to personal and professional growth, with a focus on leadership development
  • Those who recognize the unique challenges faced by women in their career advancement
  • Leaders dedicated to fostering a more equitable and inclusive workplace culture
  • Professionals eager to develop strategic leadership skills to advance their careers

Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Singapore

Explore the dynamic realm of “Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Singapore” through our comprehensive online program  , presented in partnership with the esteemed Singapore Cooperation program  me Training Award. This program is designed to equip mid- to senior-level government officials involved in social community management and engagement with essential knowledge and skills to drive impactful change. Discover innovative solutions for community needs using Asset-Based Community Development and design thinking. Learn how social entrepreneurship and innovation collaborate with government policies to address societal challenges effectively.

This program, conducted under the Singapore Cooperation programme Training Award, equips professionals involved in social community management and engagement. It imparts skills to identify community needs, explore innovative solutions, and understand the synergy between social entrepreneurship and government policies. Participants will master Asset-Based Community Development and design thinking, fostering a holistic understanding of local communities and social organizations. They’ll learn to address a wide range of societal issues through collaboration between the public, private, and non-profit sectors, aligning with government strategies for effective community engagement.

  1. Impact Measurement and Evaluation
  2. Legal and Regulatory Framework
  3. Sustainable Business Models
  4. Collaborative Partnerships
  5. Scaling Social Ventures
  6. Inclusive Business
  7. Social Marketing and Branding
  8. Global Perspectives
  9. Crisis Management
  10. Policy Advocacy

Our approach blends live interactive sessions with self-paced learning materials for flexibility. Live sessions include lectures, case studies, discussions, and presentations, fostering peer learning. Asynchronous resources supplement sessions, and quizzes enhance practical application. Through this approach, we ensure a comprehensive, engaging, and practical learning experience.

  • Mid- to senior-level Government Officials 
  • Organizations seeking to expand their knowledge and expertise in the field of social entrepreneurship and innovation

Integrated Cybersecurity for Safer Digital Worlds

Prepare to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of digital security with our online program  , “Integrated Cybersecurity for Safer Digital Worlds,” presented under the auspices of the SCP Training Award. In today’s digital age, the rapid proliferation of technology and our increasing reliance on IT systems and the Internet of Things (IoT) have ushered in new vulnerabilities that demand vigilant protection. This comprehensive program delves into Singapore’s strategic, policy, and technological approaches to cybersecurity, providing valuable insights into prevailing threats, challenges, and best practices.

By the end of this program, participants will gain a deep understanding of the critical aspects of cybersecurity, including the evolving cyber threat landscape, governance frameworks, policies, and advanced technologies. Drawing from Singapore’s expertise, the program will equip mid to senior level government officials involved in cybersecurity policy planning and enforcement with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the complex world of digital security effectively.

  1. Understanding the Cyber Threat Landscape
  2. Cybersecurity Governance Framework, Policies, and Technologies
  3. The Role of Public Institutions in Cybersecurity
  4. Singapore’s Cybersecurity Best Practices in Public and Private Sectors
  5. Incident Response and Crisis Management
  6. Threat Intelligence and Information Sharing
  7. Security Awareness and Training
  8. Cloud Security and Mobile Device Management
  9. Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) and Zero-Day Vulnerabilities
  10. Emerging Technologies in Cybersecurity
  11. International Cybersecurity Cooperation and Agreements
  12. Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing

Our approach blends live interactive sessions with self-paced learning materials for flexibility. Live sessions include lectures, case studies, discussions, and presentations, fostering peer learning. Asynchronous resources supplement sessions, and quizzes enhance practical application. Through this approach, we ensure a comprehensive, engaging, and practical learning experience.

  • Mid- to senior-level Government Officials 
  • Organizations seeking to enhance their workforce skillsets and knowledge.
  • IT professionals and security experts responsible for safeguarding digital infrastructure
  • Private sector leaders seeking to enhance their cybersecurity strategies
  • Anyone interested in understanding and mitigating cybersecurity threats in an increasingly digitalized world

Developing Digital Economy Readiness

Embark on a transformative journey into the digital landscape with our program  on “Developing Digital Economy Readiness,” held under the auspices of the Singapore Cooperation program  me Training Award. This program offers a comprehensive exploration of Singapore’s Digital Economy framework, from strategic planning to actionable implementation, all underpinned by the power of Big Data and Analytics. Participants will gain invaluable insights into designing, innovating, and delivering initiatives that provide digitally enabled citizen services, foster business growth, and elevate the overall quality of citizens’ lives.

This program, conducted under the auspices of the Singapore Cooperation Programme Training Award, aims to equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of Singapore’s Digital Economy framework and its integration with Big Data and Analytics. By exploring the regulatory and promotional aspects of the digital economy, participants will gain the knowledge and tools to design and implement digitally enhanced citizen services, support business growth, and enhance overall quality of life. This program also delves into international dimensions of digital economy development and presents insights into future trends and emerging technologies, empowering participants to navigate the evolving digital landscape effectively.

  1. Singapore’s Digital Economy Framework
  2. International Collaboration
  3. Future Trends and Technologies
  4. Digital Transformation Strategies
  5. Cybersecurity in the Digital Economy
  6. Digital Skills and Workforce Development
  7. E-Government Services
  8. Digital Inclusion and Accessibility
  9. Digital Ethics and Privacy
  10. Digital Innovation and Startups
  11. Digital Infrastructure and Connectivity
  12. International Trade and Digital Economy
  13. Measuring Digital Economy Readiness

Our approach blends live interactive sessions with self-paced learning materials for flexibility. Live sessions include lectures, case studies, discussions, and presentations, fostering peer learning. Asynchronous resources supplement sessions, and quizzes enhance practical application. Through this approach, we ensure a comprehensive, engaging, and practical learning experience.

  • Mid- to senior-level Government Officials 
  • Organizations seeking to enhance their workforce skillsets and knowledge
  • Professionals from various sectors seek to enhance their understanding of digital economy readiness.
  • Anyone passionate about leveraging digitalization to drive economic growth and innovation in their respective domains.

Entrepreneurship and Start-up Ecosystems

The “Entrepreneurship and Start-up Ecosystems” program offers a comprehensive exploration of Singapore’s successful policies and strategies in fostering entrepreneurship and nurturing a thriving start-up ecosystem. Participants will gain valuable insights into the frameworks, accelerators, and incubators that have contributed to Singapore’s entrepreneurial success story. With a focus on venture management, innovation, and technology, this program provides a holistic view of how to create and sustain a conducive environment for entrepreneurs to thrive.

This program aims to provide participants with valuable insights into Singapore’s entrepreneurship and start-up ecosystem, offering a deep understanding of the policies and strategies that have propelled its growth. Participants will gain knowledge about the holistic support frameworks for entrepreneurs, venture management principles, the role of start-up accelerators and incubators, knowledge transfer dynamics, global opportunities for start-ups, and the pivotal role of innovation and technology in fostering entrepreneurship. By the end of this program, participants will be equipped to apply these insights in their respective roles, fostering entrepreneurship and nurturing thriving start-up ecosystems.

  1. Entrepreneurship Fundamentals
  2. Business Ideation and Validation
  3. Business Planning and Strategy
  4. Financial Management for Start-ups
  5. Market Research and Analysis
  6. Marketing and Sales Strategies
  7. Legal and Regulatory Considerations
  8. Funding and Investment Opportunities
  9. Pitching and Investor Relations
  10. Building a Strong Team
  11. Product Development and Innovation
  12. Scaling and Growth Strategies
  13. Risk Management and Resilience
  14. Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainability
  15. Networking and Mentorship
  16. Case Studies and Success Stories

Our approach blends live interactive sessions with self-paced learning materials for flexibility. Live sessions include lectures, case studies, discussions, and presentations, fostering peer learning. Asynchronous resources supplement sessions, and quizzes enhance practical application. Through this approach, we ensure a comprehensive, engaging, and practical learning experience.

  • Mid to senior level officials from government agencies
  • Organizations seeking to enhance their workforce skillsets and knowledge.
  • Professionals involved in SME development
  • Individuals responsible for fostering entrepreneurship
  • Those interested in understanding successful start-up ecosystems and policies

Developing Government Policies to Promote MSME Development

The “Developing Government Policies to Promote MSME Development” program offers a comprehensive exploration of strategies and policies employed by the Singapore government to foster the growth and success of Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs). This program delves into essential topics, including financing strategies, public-private partnerships, market access expansion, workforce development policies, digitalization and innovation, and internationalization initiatives. Participants will gain valuable insights into how governments can play a pivotal role in supporting MSMEs, increasing their access to finance, enhancing productivity through technology adoption, and facilitating international growth.

This program aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of Singapore’s successful strategies and policies for fostering the growth of Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs). By the program’s conclusion, participants will have gained insights into innovative financing approaches, the significance of public-private partnerships, strategies for expanding market access, manpower development policies, the role of digitalization and innovation, and effective internationalization methods for MSMEs. These objectives are geared towards equipping government officials with the knowledge and tools needed to develop and implement policies that promote the sustainable development of MSMEs in their respective countries.

  1. Introduction to MSME Development
  2. Financing Strategies for MSME Growth
  3. Public-Private Partnerships and Collaboration
  4. Expanding Market Access
  5. Manpower Development Policies
  6. Digitalization and Innovation in MSMEs
  7. Internationalization Strategies
  8. Integrating into Global Value Chains
  9. Expanding MSME Exports
  10. Sustainable Practices for MSMEs
  11. Risk Management and Resilience in MSMEs
  12. Access to Technology and Digital Tools
  13. Marketing and Branding for MSMEs
  14. Financing Options Beyond Government programs

Our approach blends live interactive sessions with self-paced learning materials for flexibility. Live sessions include lectures, case studies, discussions, and presentations, fostering peer learning. Asynchronous resources supplement sessions, and quizzes enhance practical application. Through this approach, we ensure a comprehensive, engaging, and practical learning experience.

  • Mid- to senior-level Government Officials 
  • Organizations seeking to enhance their workforce skillsets and knowledge
  • Professionals from financial institutions involved in SME/MSME financing
  • Representatives from industry associations and chambers of commerce
  • Academics and researchers specializing in SME/MSME development
  • Entrepreneurs and business owners interested in learning about government policies and initiatives

Workshop on Cybersecurity

In an increasingly interconnected world, cybersecurity plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the digital landscape. The ASEAN region faces evolving cybersecurity threats that require coordinated efforts at the national, regional, and international levels. Our “Workshop on Cybersecurity” seeks to complement existing ASEAN initiatives by providing a platform for sharing best practices and fostering cooperation. This program delves into critical aspects of cybersecurity, including the global and regional threat landscape, international cybersecurity laws, and confidence-building measures. Moreover, it explores national cybersecurity strategies, cyber risk management, and public-private partnerships to equip participants with the knowledge and tools needed to address cybersecurity challenges effectively.

This program aims to strengthen regional cybersecurity efforts within the ASEAN region by equipping participants with essential knowledge and skills. It seeks to enhance participants’ understanding of the evolving global and regional cyber threat landscape, international cybersecurity laws, and confidence-building measures. Furthermore, it aims to promote responsible state behavior in cyberspace. Participants will also have the opportunity to explore national best practices, including national civilian cybersecurity strategies, whole-of-government coordination, cyber risk management, and the importance of public-private partnerships in bolstering cybersecurity defenses.

  1. Cybersecurity Threat Landscape
  2. International Law and Cybersecurity
  3. Cybersecurity Confidence Building Measures
  4. National Civilian Cybersecurity Strategies
  5. Whole of Government Cyber Coordination
  6. Cyber Risk Management
  7. Public-Private Partnerships
  8. Incident Response and Cyber Crisis Management
  9. Cybersecurity Awareness and Training
  10. Cybersecurity Legislation and Regulation
  11. Critical Infrastructure Protection
  12. Cybersecurity Technologies
  13. International Cybersecurity Cooperation
  14. Cybersecurity Ethics and Norms
  15. Case Studies and Practical Exercises
  16. Cybersecurity Policy Implementation
  17. Emerging Threats and Trends

Our approach blends live interactive sessions with self-paced learning materials for flexibility. Live sessions include lectures, case studies, discussions, and presentations, fostering peer learning. Asynchronous resources supplement sessions, and quizzes enhance practical application. Through this approach, we ensure a comprehensive, engaging, and practical learning experience.

  • Mid- to senior-level Government Officials 
  • Organizations seeking to enhance their workforce skillsets and knowledge.
  • Civilian cyber policymakers from:
    • Ministry of Telecommunications
    • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    • Cybersecurity Advisors in the Office of the President or Prime Minister
    • Officials in Charge of Regulatory Bodies
    • Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) personnel

Other Verticals

Generative AI


Transforming cities and organizations with Generative AI innovation for smarter governance and operations.

Learn how to navigate the AI revolution, from enhancing citizen services to optimizing urban efficiency.

Green Economy


Navigating the digital marketplace for economic prowess and innovation. 

Learn how to grow in the digital economy landscape by harnessing technology for business and economic growth.

Digital Governance


Enhancing transparent and efficient city administration through digital tools.

Learn about digital governance to enhance citizen engagement and streamline urban operations.

Ready to work with us?


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What Our Students Say

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